Friday, May 21, 2021

Aviation museum

                                                    Aviation museum

made by Owen Booker

Tuesday the 18th of May.  The bell rang, then we went to sat down and then the parents came around 9:00 to pick us up to go to the aviation museum. When we finally arrived at the aviation museum in the buffalo we went by the door and waited for the person who was going to show us around his name was Duane .First we went to put our bags by the white fence in this little spot then we got split up into groups and I went in one with Linda. Linda showed us photos about the old planes with some very cool models. There were posters about the cool planes and some people from world war 2 and there was so many very cool mini planes on the shelves. My favourite was this saw helicopter airplane. It looked like an airplane but it also had a helicopter airplane. It was really cool.

My tinkercad

Friday, May 7, 2021


                    Bacon and egg sandwich







 Half avocato




First you need to put the pan on the stove and cook your bacon however you want and do it again with your other piece of bacon.

Next you have to put the bacon on your piece of bread and cut up half of the avo  spread with your knife.

Last put your egg on the pan then check on the egg 4 minutes when the easiest finished put the egg on the bridge then you got your tasty sandwich

linking words